- A friend - If you are brewing using the traditional method and conditions are right, you get a new kombucha culture each batch! This means an overwhelming number of mushrooms if you brew regularly. So hit up your friends and tell them to spread the kombucha love! :)
- My availability: Unfortunately I am unable to provide kombucha SCOBYs at this time.

- Grow your own! Read about my experience growing a kombucha mushroom here and this blog post on growing kombucha SCOBYs.
- The Worldwide Kombucha Exchange
- Craigslist
- eBay
- Etsy
- Willing to spend the dough? Buy a kombucha mushroom online, such as from Happy Herbalist, Kombucha Kamp, or getkombucha.com.
If you have any more ideas of where to obtain kombucha mushrooms, please share!
There are some sellers on Etsy. I bought 4 organic (if there is such a thing!!) scoby discs. I paid about $25.oo for all 4 with priority shipping. http://www.etsy.com/shop/WellsofHealth
Hi Kombucha Fuel!
Thanks for spreading the word about the Booch! :)
I am a Kombucha expert in Los Angeles and love to educate and offer free advice to all new Kombucha brewers through my site www.KombuchaKamp.com.
Kombucha mothers are available for purchase there. Sometimes people simply don't know anyone who brews Kombucha and are wary of getting one from a hobbyist, so I provide clean commerially grown SCOBYs along with all the free support at my site (whether u get your SCOBY from me or not!) :)
I also have a free Kombucha Kommunity for homebrewers to share ideas, recipes, support, etc:
Thanks for spreading the word about Kombucha. If anyone is intersted, there is lots of fun history of Kombucha at the following link:
The Kombucha Mamma
Please note the link to Global Kombucha exchange is not working. The "h" from http is missing at the start of the link. The website still exists.
Just thought you might want to know.
Thanks for pointing that out!
An easy way to obtain a SCOBY is to search Kijiji. I met a guy in a Tim Horton's parking lot and he handed over a SCOBY for $5. He emailed me his directions for making the tea. It was much easier than mail order.
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